Thursday, August 5, 2010

Some Important Principles in Learning

There are number of important principles in learning .


Extinction takes place when there is no longer a positive consequences for the behaviour . For instance , let's take the example of meeting a deadline . If the management stops the bonus for meeting deadlines you will immediately stop your attempts to meet deadline in the future. Extinction takes place in negative reinforcement situations too. Suppose you are attempting to meet a deadline to reduce anxiety , but if your attempt does not remove the anxiety , you will not continue that behaviour . Therefore , it can be said that extinction can be experienced in both situations . This principle can be applied to situation where someone wants to stop another's behaviour , which is considered as unnecessary or undesirable .

2. Punishment

Punishment succeeds in changing or stopping present behaviour rather than acquiring new behaviour . Many learning theories do not prefer punishment as a useful 'method' because it may lead to unexpected consequences. For instance , when the management punished a worker for not working overtime in a working day , the worker might decide to leave the organization or resort to trade union action . Although punishment leads to this type of " unexpected " consequences , sometimes , it can be of limited use.

Theories of Learning

Learning is importance in our organizational settings. The learning theories can broadly be divided into two categories , behavioural theories and cognitive theories . Behavioural theories can be divided into two sub sections , classical conditioning and operant conditioning .

Operant Conditioning

In operant conditioning learning is viewed as a function of a person's response to a stimulus and his or her assessment of the degree of the satisfaction derived form the response. Further , it says that if the response to a stimulus brings positive consequences , the individual will repeat the same response towards that stimulus.He or she will be avoid his or her response and attempts a new response if the consequence is negative.

Positive Reinforcement

According to this concept , people repeat their behaviour , if the consequence of behaviour is positive in nature. If you are a supervisor or a manager in factory or any other organization , you might have forced the workers to do overtime when you had to meet a deadline. Sometimes , you would not allow workers to obtain leave without your prior approval . Can you explain why you would have behaved in this manner ? You may have behaved in this manner you knew in advance that you would be granted an additional bonus for meeting the deadline . There is a tendency to repeat the same behaviour in similar situation because of the positive consequence of your response to this stimulus . In other words , positive consequence of response increase the likelihood of repeating that behaviour in similar settings.

Negative Reinforcement

You may be unable to explain your behaviour in meeting a deadline based on positive reinforcement , even though , you might have been responding in the same manner repeatedly . Sometimes it may be due to an awareness of a negative consequence of your response . Here lies the essence of another important concept in operant conditioning , namely negative reinforcement .

The concept of negative reinforcement indicates that the removal of the negative consequence increase the likelihood that an individual will repeat the behaviour . Remember our earlier example ; 'meeting a deadline ' in this situation , suppose you knew that the management would stop your salary increment , promotion or would even punish you in other forms , if you did not meet the deadline . This knowledge would have created a great deal of anxiety in you . You can remove this anxiety by making every possible attempt to meet the deadline .

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Importance of Learning

Learning is important to develop smooth relationships with others. Certainly , behaviour takes place only when one attempts to interact with another or a group of people , and it as pointed out earlier is the result of learning.Therefore , an individual comes to know the correct behaviour through learning and develops it in order to establish smooth relationships.Remember your childhood.Sometimes , you might have been advised or blamed by your parents or elders for your eating habits .You might have been changed your eating habits in such a way as to establish smooth relationship with them.Even today , you may be following the same practise because they help you to have smooth relationships not only with the parents , but also with others.

Another importance of learning is its ability to remove uncertainly.To understand this , we shall remember your relationship with your boss. Try to remember whether you felt easy or uneasy when you were with your boss? Did you feel uncertain about the boss 's reaction towards your ideas ,responses etc.? If you had been working with the boss for a long period , today you may recall how uncertain you felt and have frustrated you were . Actually what you helped you to remove your feeling of uncertainty? The answer is learning . Through learning you have understood suitable behaviour pattern and you have learnt to continue it to date . Certainly , learning is a commonly used instrument to reduce uncertainty.

Another importance of learning in organizational setting is its ability to reduce people's burden in decision making .Learning does this by forming habitual behaviour.
Again , remember your way of eating . Today , it has become a habit.So it is not necessary to make a decision to repeat this behaviour .In order words , you are repeating your behaviour without the help of a primary decision making process. Similarly , learning helps the managers to reduce their decision making burden , which takes a major portion of their time.

Friday, July 30, 2010


By observation what we have learnt in our lives ,we can understand what learning is .Learning can be defined as the process of acquiring a permanent changes in behaviour.There are two important points to be taken into account:
1. Learning is a process.
2. It makes a permanent changes in behaviour.
Learning is process.There are several steps in the learning process and these are highly interrelated.Therefore, the learner has to pass several steps before arriving at a permanent change in behaviour.There are several theories , which explain this process , and each theory looks at learning in different ways.You will be familiar with these theories and their differences later in this session.
As mentioned earlier , the most important aspect of learning is a permanent change in behaviour.If changes is temporary , it will not be considered as an outcome of the learning process.Change in behaviour should be permanent at least till the condition under which the learner has learnt exist.To understand what is meant by "permanent change in behaviour " , assume you are working in an organization where smoking is prohibited and that you have been punished for smoking.If you will nor smoke again in this organization , it can be said that learning has taken place.Because it is a permanent change in your behaviour under the conditions , which you have to work. Now you think that you get a new job in another organization where smoking is not prohibited , and you start smoking again. Can we say that the former condition does not apply?certainly not. Because the above condition is not applicable to the new organization.If you continue smoking in the new organization , it can be said that new learning has taken place.

Identifying the reasons for dissatisfaction and taking action for dissatisfaction

There may be a variety of causes , such as

1.Poor supervision
2.Poor working conditions
3.Lack of job security
4.inequitable compensation
5.Lack of opportunity for advancement

Since if it is not always easy to discover causes of job dissatisfaction , managers can handle non directive counseling approach.Here the supervisor can try to understand the problems of employees by talking to them politely. He should encourage the employees to diagnose the problem and suggest some solutions . This may allow the employees to reduce tension by talking about problems and enhance self esteem by allowing the develop his or her own solutions.
The supervisor may need active plan about how to deal with the problem and should have training for handling certain kinds of psychological problems.

Taking Action for Dissatisfaction

Making changes in working conditions , supervision , compensation or job design depending on the job factor responsible for employees dissatisfaction.
Transfer employees to other jobs to archive a better match between employee characteristics and job characteristic.
An attempt to change the perception or executions of dissatisfied employees.
Precautionary actions-Whenever possible , precaution should be taken to avoid unnecessary job dissatisfaction without waiting till they surface calling for early action.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Consequences of job Dissatisfaction

Job dissatisfaction produces low morale among workers and low morale at work is highly undesirable.Accordingly , managers must be constantly watchful for any signs of low morale and job dissatisfaction and take corrective action as soon as possible.Some of the indicators of low morale are ,

Employee Unrest
Under this condition the employee may not attend to hi job properly.Sometimes ,he comes so frustrated that he may take to undesirable habits as excessive drinking.So it may affect the mental health and well being of the worker.If it affects a large number of workers they may resort is collective action such as go slow ,work stoppage strike and other allied group action.


Less satisfied employees are more likely to be absent from work due to avoidable reasons.Management must be concerned with excessive absenteeism for it disrupts production and business operations.


This is also similar to absenteeism.But this is not due to some explainable reason such as getting children ready for school but only due to the fact that employees really do not care much for their work.This is indicated by excessive time spent in rest rooms , lingering in the parking lot before coming to work spending too much time on personal telephone calls.So ,they actually spend time at work but that there is not spent on useful and productive work.

Employee Turnover

The organizational units with the lowest average satisfaction levels tend to have the highest turnover rates. Turnover may be voluntary , which is initiated by the employees or it may be due to job dissatisfaction or other personal reason beyond control by the management.

Union Activity

The evidence for dissatisfaction is a major cause of unionization. In addition the employees feel that individually they are unable to influence changes that would result in the alimentation , of those factors that cause job dissatisfaction .Lower level of union activities is related to the level of job dissatisfaction and lower level of job dissatisfaction may result in grievances while higher level of job dissatisfaction may result in employee strikes.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Job Satisfaction and organizational effectiveness

Job attitudes affect organizational effectiveness to the extent that they influence turnover,absenteeism,strikes, grievances,sabotage,theft,and soon.Further more satisfied tend to live longer , exhibit better mental and physical health ,learn new tasks faster and face few accidents at work. Therefore job satisfaction is the most popular indicator for assessing organizational effectiveness.
When performance leads to intrinsic and extrinsic rewards , this in turn will lead to higher job satisfaction.
However , performance does not lead to intrinsic and extrinsic performance and job satisfaction cannot be correlated positively with each other.
Extrinsic rewards are usually less closely related to performance than intrinsic rewards because extrinsic rewards are administered by the organization and intrinsic rewards are "self administered."

Causes of job satisfaction

It is a specific subset of attitudes held bye members of the organization. It is an attitude they have towards their jobs or we can say their effective responses to their jobs. Job satisfaction can be defined as the extent of positive feelings or attitude that individuals have towards their jobs. When person say that he has high job satisfaction, it means that he really likes his job, feels good about it and values his job highly. Highly satisfied workers have better physical and mental well being. On the other hand serious job dissatisfaction results in stress and tension which are usually the causes of a variety of psychological disorders.

How job satisfaction can be derived

1.Work itself-Satisfaction

The aspects of the job content can affect an employee’s work satisfaction.
The more a job involves the use of skills and talents relevant to the employee’s self. Ensure that more employees can feel that they are performing meaningful work rather than simply.
Task identify and task significance also affect the experience and meaningfulness of the work.If an employee assembles the entire finished product or if he makes an important component of the finished product, he will experience a sense meaningful.
Autonomy - When an employee has no control over work procedures, the task is challenging and performance is available needs.

2.Organizational Factors
There are some organizational factors determining the job satisfaction.

Salaries and Wages-A manor cause of pay dissatisfaction is perceived inequity.

Promotion-This indicates an employee's worth to the organization and it is highly morale boosting.

Company Policies-Organizational polices usually govern employee behaviour, and depending upon how strict or liberal the policies ,are they can create positive or negative feelings about the organization.

Job Satisfaction

Its effects on “should be” perceptions are social comparisons with other employees, previous job characteristics and reference groups. Nobody wants to receive lower pay or less benefit than was received earlier in the same job or in a previous job. An employee will compare the beneficial outcomes received from the job with the outcomes received by other employees with similar jobs.
Third situational factor is reference group.An employee will be more satisfied if a job is endorsed by the reference group than if it is not. A good example of a reference group is the influence of a labour union on worker perception of a fair and reasonable increase in pay and benefits.In an organization one of the most important tasks for a manager is the ability to identify improper or unacceptable attitudes.Then only they can make the people realize their potentials and get them to effective participation.There are basically four step process.

1.Identify the improper attitudes
2.Determine what supports it
3.Weaken those supports
4.Tell a substitute


Individual behavior is very important to keep the organization climate healthy. Motivation is necessary to make the employee like and enjoy his job. If the employees are highly dissatisfied with their jobs morale would be very low and the condition would adversely affect their motivation.
A person’s attitude towards life in general would determine his attitude towards his or her job. Generally people with a pessimistic about life always complain about everything including the job. Accordingly in addition to providing a healthy work environment management must ensure that the employees is happy and has a positive outlook towards life.
Attitudes are beliefs and feelings people have about specific ideas,situations or other people.We can define attitude as the effective orientation toward a particular attitude object.
Attitudes shape the way people respond to events and other people.The attitude determine their feeling,thoughts and behaviour.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Attribution Theory

When we study attribution theory it can be identified as a mroe recent approach to the study of motivation at work.

Attribution is the process by which people interpret the perceived causes of behavior. Firs Heider who suggests that behavior is determined by a combination of perceived internal forces and external forces is generally recognized as the initiator of the attribution theory.

Internal forces relate to personal attributes such as abilities , skills, and amount of effort or fatigue. External forces relate to environmental factors such as organizational rules, the style of supervision and the weather.

Heider believed that both internal forces and external forces combine adaptively to determine behavior. He stressed that it is the perceived are not the actual determinants that are important in behavior. People will behave differently from the way they actually behave if they perceive internal attributes or the external attributes. It is this concept of deferential ascription that is very important for work motivation.

Goal Theory

Now let's discuss the goal theory of motivation. This is also called the theory of goals stetting and is based mainly on the work of Edwin Locke.

Goal theory helps to explain both the importance of goal setting and the characteristics of goals that lead to improve performance. The basic premise of the goal theory is that people's goals or intentions play an important part in determining their behavior. A goal is defied simple as what the individual is trying to do. Locke accepts the importance of perceived value and suggests these values give rise to the experience of emotions and desires. People strive to achieve goals in order to satisfy their emotions and desires. Goals guide people's responses and actions. Goals direct work behavior and performance and lead to certain consequences of feedback.

Goal theory contends that difficult goals result in higher level of performance then no goals at all or generalize goals such as a 'try hard'. The goals towards which the individual work seem to lead to improved performance, whether thee goals are set by the perosn or by the organization. The basic of goal theory have such an impact on managing people that they require elaboration.

Equity Theory

Equity theory has been around just as long as the expectancy theories of work motivation. Credit for equity theory is usually given to J. Stacy Adams, This theory argues that a major input into job performance and satisfaction is the degree of equity that people perceive in their work situation. In other words, equity theory focuses on people's feelings as to how fairly they have been treated when compared withe the treatment receive by others in similar positions.

Inequity occurs when a perosn perceives that the ratio if his outcomes to inputs is not equal to the ratio between the outcomes to inputs of another in a similar position.

Both the inputs and the output of a person and those of another are based upon the person's perceptions. Examples of perceived variables are age, sex, education, social status, organizational position , qualifications and how hard a person works. Outcomes consist primarily of rewards such as pay, status, promotion and intrinsic inters in the job.

Vroom's Expectancy Theory

Vroom is the first person to propose an expectancy theory aimed specially at work motivation. Criticizing Hertzberg's two-factor theory, he proposed this theory as an alternative theory of motivation. According to this theory, people will be motivated to do things to achieve some goals to the extent they expect that certain actions on their parts will help them to achieve the goals. He presented this theory based on three key variables.

Instrumentality, and

Therefore, this theory is also called the VIE theory.

Now lets see what is meant by of the above variables: The feeling about specific outcomes is termed valance. Other terms equivalent to valance used in various theories of motivation are incentive, attitude, and expected utility. Positive valance is where the person prefers achieving the outcome. to not achieving it. Negative valance is where there is performance for avoiding the outcome. Where the perosn is indifferent towards the outcome, there is zero valance.

Theories of Motivation

When we study different theories of motivation, we can see that there are many competing theories which attempt to explain the nature of motivation. These theories to a lesser or grater degree. are empirically tested and might help to explain the behavior of people in particular situations.

There is no single answer to the question what motivates employees to work well, this is mainly due to the complexity of human beings. These different theories are important to the manager. because they show that there are many motives, which influence people's behavior and performance. When we study these different theories, it will be possible to obtain some sort of a framework writing which attention to the problem of how best to motivate employees to work willingly and effectively can be directed.

Approaches to Motivation at Work

If a manager wants to motivate his staff, first he has to identify their needs. We can get some idea bout human needs by studding some of the approaches to motivation.

Employees have various needs and expectations. These needs and expectations can be categorized in a number of ways: such as psychological and social, or intrinsic and extrinsic.

The development of different approaches to organization and management has highlilted the changing concept of motivation at work.

Main Elements of Motivation

Human Motives

A number of human motives such as love, anger, desires etc. can be identified by analyzing mental activities of people. In order to activate these motives an number of preconditions have to be satisfied. Once it is done it will be practically easy to activate a motive.


Any factor that results a motive to be activated is called a motivator. Here the suitability of each motive is important in activating motives.

Expected Behavior

This is to direct behavior in some expected directions through motives activated by the use of motivator. In a motivational program the most important point to be decided first is the expected behavior. So when leadership selects a motivator it is important to remember that it can direct the motives towards expected behavior.

Motivational Process

What we do in a motivational process is what we allow the employees to realize their own needs while the organization engages them in some tasks to achieve organizational objectives. As the needs of the employees are also fulfilled by doing such work, they perform them satisfactorily. Normally, when the employees performs their works with satisfactory, production increases. What we can observe is that due to successful motivation an employees productivity is increased. However, while attaining organizational goals employees must be given the chance to attend their own goals also.

Another fact that emerges considering the above definitions is that the motivation is treated as a process. Three main elements can be identified in this process. They are

Human Motives
Expected Behavior

What is Motivation

First we will see what motivation is. The study of motivation is concerned basically with why people behave in a certain way. However, we can describe motivation as the direction and the persistence of action. It is concerned with why people choose particular cause of action in preference to others, and why they continue with a chosen action. Often over a long period and in the face of difficulties and problems.

From a review of the theories of motivation, Michell identifies four common characteristics which underline the definition of motivation.

1 Motivation is typified as an individual phenomenon.
Every person is unique and all the major theories of motivation allow for this uniqueness to be demonstrated in one way or another.

2 Motivation is described, usually as international
Motivation is assumed to be under individual control, and behaviors such as effort expended that our influenced by motivation, are seen as choices of action.

3 Motivation is Multifaceted
The two factors of grate importance are
What gets people activated, and
The willingness of an individual to engage in a desired behavior

4 The purpose of motivational theories is to predict behaviour
Motivation is not the behavior itself and it is not performance. Motivation is concerned with action and the internal and external forces which influence a person's choice of action.

Motivating Employees in Organization

Every organization has to achieve one or more objectives. The organization depends on its members for this. The Objectives of an organization can be achieved through the combined efforts of its members. The relation ship between the organization and its members is governed by what motivates them to work and the satisfactions they get form it. We should understand that the manager needs to know how to obtain the co-operation of the staff and to direct their performance to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. The manager must know how best to motivate the staff so that they would work willingly and effectively.